Majorityrights News > Category: Anti-racism

Another German City Tipping Majority Muslim

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 26 November 2016 15:37.

TNO, “Another German City Tipping Majority Muslim”, 26 Nov 2016:

The western German city of Bad Godesburg—located on the Rhine River—is now so overrun with Muslims that local schools are trying to implement “anti-radicalization” policies to stop their students from supporting ISIS-aligned ideologies.

The efforts are, of course, hopeless, as proven by their total failure elsewhere in Europe, but race-denying liberals refuse to face this reality.

A typcial street scene in Bad Godesburg.

According to a new report in the Deutsche Welle (DW) news service, the program has been driven by the “social make-up of communities across Europe changing,” and now “schools have become breeding grounds for extremism.”

As a result, a program organized and financed by Germany’s Federal Agency for Civic Education (BPB), known as the “Clearing Procedure and Case Management” procedure is currently being trialed at six schools across Germany.

One of the schools, the 1.200-pupil Elisabeth-Selbert-Gesamtschule, located in the Bad Godesburg district which is in the immediate Bonn area, has, according to its liberal principal Andrea Frings, undergone a

“a fair amount of social change in recent years . . . About 40 [to] 50 percent of our students are Muslim. We all get along very well here, but it also happens that students sometimes bring problems to the school from their homes or their mosques, and that’s always something we need to take a look at.”

As the DW article pointed out, the Elisabeth-Selbert-Gesamtschule is located

“at the heart of what used to be the diplomats’ district of Germany’s erstwhile capital, [but] the face of Bonn’s Bad Godesberg has long changed. On the one hand, it continues to be an international neighborhood attracting expats from around the world; on the other, both foreigners and locals with extremist ideas have been flocking to the district.”



An earlier article in the DW, titled “There’s not much that’s German here anymore,” quoted one of the few actual Germans left in the town as pointing out the extent of the ethnic cleansing underway:

“She mentions the recent closing of [the] Aennchen, one of the last typically German restaurants left in Bad Godesberg. ‘Now you’ve got shisha bars springing up everywhere, with that sweet smell in the air,’ she says. ‘There’s not much that’s German here anymore, or even Italian. And you see Arabic script everywhere.’”


Visegrád [Intermarium] Countries To Launch Radio Station Early 2017

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 25 November 2016 09:14.

Visigrad Post, “Visegrád Countries To Launch Radio Station Early 2017”, 17 Nov 2016:


Visegrád countries – The four Visegrád Group countries are planning to launch a radio station at the start of next year, the head of Radio Poland told Hungarian public television M1 on Tuesday.

Barbara Stanislawczyk said the programmes to be broadcast in Polish, Czech, Slovak, and Hungarian would be aimed at presenting the cultures of the member countries and focusing on topical political issues. She said that the region’s importance was gaining weight in Europe and highlighted the importance of the media in that tendency. The new station would also promote cooperation between radio people in the four countries, Stanislawczyk added.

Source : Daily News Hungary

Black Pair Plant Fake Bomb at Elementary School, Plan to Shoot First Responders, “Start Race War”

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 24 November 2016 16:53., “Pair charged in explosive device at elementary school; planned to shoot cops, start race war”, 24 Nov 2016:

A convicted felon who claims he wanted to shoot cops is behind bars in connection with the explosives device planted outside of a Trussville elementary school.

Authorities today announced state charges against 35-year-old Zachary Edwards and 34-year-old Raphel Dilligard, both of eastern Birmingham. They are charged with possession of a hoax destructive device, rendering false alarm and making terrorist threats, said Trussville police Capt. Jeff Bridges.

The warrants were issued this morning after the week-long probe by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Trussville police, the Alabama State Fire Marshal’s Office, the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency and the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office.

Edwards claimed to be a member of the Black Panthers and the Black Mafia, but authorities have not yet confirmed his reported associations with any organized group. “My guys believe this individual to be a very dangerous person,’’ said Dave Hyche, ATF’s assistant special agent in charge in Alabama.

Lawmen responded en masse to Magnolia Elementary School on Wednesday, Nov. 16, after they received a 911 from a woman who reported seeing a Hispanic male place the package on a pickup truck that belonged to a school cafeteria worker. The package was a box with wires and timer attached.

“When we first saw what we had, we knew this was something to take serious and we put on the full-court press. It disturbed us from the start,’’ Hyche said. “I’ve never seen such a well-orchestrated and rapid response.”

Hyche today said the children and staff weren’t in any danger from the device, and even if it had been in working condition, it was on the far side of the school where there was no glass.

Teams of lawmen responded to Magnolia Elementary School after a device was found on a car in the school parking lot.

The first break in the case came when investigators were able to trace that 911 to a cell phone that had once been owned by Edwards, said Hyche and Bridges. The 911 call was actually placed by Edwards, who disguised his voice to try to sound like a woman.

Also, the timer – a stopwatch - used on the device was determined to have been sold at Walmart, and Hyche said investigators then analyzed all 18 recent buyers in the area. They quickly eliminated those that would have a legitimate reason for needing a timer – like a track coach - that ultimately led them to the store in Irondale where a woman - later determined to be Dilligard - was seen on video surveillance buying the timer.

Edwards and Dilligard were taken into custody Tuesday evening at their home in the 7700 block of Fifth Avenue South.

Once brought in for questioning, both gave confessions. Edwards admitted to planting the device, and said his plan was to get all police officers and first responders in one place so he could shoot them. “I guess he doesn’t like cops,’’ Bridges said.

Edwards also talked of using the incident as a diversion so he could commit crimes elsewhere -  such as robbing a bank - while the police were tied up at the elementary school, but backed out of that plan.

“Probably because of the overwhelming response to the area,’’ Hyche said. “He wanted everybody in one place so he could kill cops. He made it clear to our guys he wanted to commit acts of violence. This arrest probably did stop something bad from happening.”

He discussed starting a race war, but authorities didn’t elaborate on what he said.

The device – which was disabled in nearby woods – did contain gun powder. “It was painstakingly put together and it also had most of what you need to make a bomb,’’ Hyche said. He said, however, that there was no way the device could have detonated, but he didn’t elaborate.

Hyche said numerous tips came in to the ATF tip line, many of which named Edwards as the person who left the device. “It was someone that knew him, and was afraid he was going to do something,’’ he said.

Edwards has a lengthy criminal record, including a 2000 conviction for second-degree assault. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison with three to serve in that case.

Both suspects are awaiting transport from Trussville to the Jefferson County Jail. Hyche said the investigation is ongoing and they could also face federal charges.

Richard Hails Trump to Nazi Salutes, Trump Disavows The Alternative Right

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 23 November 2016 20:57.

During an on-the-record editorial board meeting with the New York Times today

‘I Condemn Them’: Trump Tells NY Times He Disavows Alt-Right Conference”

During an on-the-record editorial board meeting with the New York Times today — a meeting he canceled at one point — President-elect Donald Trump hit on a number of topics and issues that were tossed at him from reporters.

One of the pressing subjects on the journalists’ minds was how Trump viewed the support he’s received from those in the alt-right. Specifically, they wanted to know how the incoming POTUS felt about the recent conference alt-right leaders held in Washington over the weekend in which attendees were seen giving Nazi salutes as Richard Spencer exclaimed “Hail Trump!”


When first asked about whether he felt he did anything to “energize” the alt-right, Trump said he didn’t think so.

Source:, 22 Nov 2016

Daily News, “President-elect Donald Trump’s disavowal of his support among white nationalists didn’t sit right with the alt-right, 23 Nov 2016:

In one of his most direct repudiations of the once-fringe movement’s proximity to his bid for the presidency, Trump finally said Tuesday that he doesn’t “want to energize the group and I disavow the group,” during an on-the-record sit-down with the New York Times.

Alt-right members took to Reddit forums to express dismay over the president-elect’s comments, some saying they’ve been “fooled” into thinking Trump had truly taken up their white supremacist vision.

Donald Trump disavowed the support of the alt-right movement during a sit-down with the New York Times on Tuesday.

“Trump’s a civic nationalist which is a step in the right direction,” one Reddit commenter wrote. “His election was all about buying time, securing the Supreme Court and stopping illegal immigration. His victory is important but I hope no one deluded themselves into thinking that he was the second coming.”

Trump’s comments on Tuesday came days after white nationalists gathered at a conference in Washington D.C. organized by the far-right think tank National Policy Institute and its founder, Richard Spencer, in celebration of the “year of Donald Trump.”

Video of Spencer speaking showed scores of alt-right members raising their arms in a Nazi salute. Message board commenters said Trump wouldn’t stand by their cause after footage of the Neo-Nazis emerged.

“Certainly not after Richard Spencer saying ‘Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!’ and people in the audience doing the Nazi salute,” one post read.

The Anti-Defamation League, a leading advocacy group fighting anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry, praised Trump’s condemnation of his white supremacist supporters, specifically citing the NPI conference in D.C.

“We welcome President-elect Trump’s denunciation of the National Policy Institute convention just blocks from the White House,” said Jonathan A. Greenblatt in an emailed statement. “Racist and anti-Semitic groups have absolutely no place in our politics or society.”

Trump was criticized during his campaign for being sluggish about condemning the support of white supremacists, most notably after receiving an endorsement from former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke.

His forthcoming administration continues to be associated with the alt-right movement due to the prominent role of Stephen Bannon, who was recently tapped to be Trump’s chief strategist.

Before becoming Trump’s campaign manager, Bannon was the chairman of Breitbart News, a haven for white nationalist news and anti-Semitism.

3,000 Haitian Invaders Per Month “Flowing” To The U.S.

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 23 November 2016 08:35.

  ...aaah, soothing, calming immigration“flows.”..

New Observer, “3,000 Haitian Invaders Per Month”, 21 Nov. 2016:

More than 3,000 Haitian invaders are pouring into U.S. every month, exploiting new routes, special policies, and “lax enforcement” by the Obama regime, a secret government intelligence assessment reveals.

The document, revealed by the Washington Post, said that the African invaders are “spreading out across the border, testing crossings in Arizona and Texas.”

There, the Washington Times report said, the invaders have been “told they will have an easier time getting through,” quoting analysts in a November 17 bulletin from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s office of intelligence.

It is not only Haitians, but also invaders from the Middle East who have been apprehended on the border, the bulletin added.

The bulletin also warned that word had spread to the 40,000 Haitians now living in Chile, and many of them have also started moving north.

Haitian arrivals at the U.S. southwest border (SWB) have continued to exponentially increase,” the intelligence analysts said.

Politico (((Editor))) Has to Resign After Threatening Richard Spencer on Facebook

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 23 November 2016 05:21.

Daily Caller, “Politico Editor Resigns After Publishing Home Addresses Of Alt-Right Icon Richard Spencer, Advocating For ‘Baseball Bats”, 22 Nov 2016:

National editor at Politico Michael Hirsh resigned after publishing the home addresses of alt-right figurehead Richard Spencer Tuesday morning and advocating for serious violence.

Politico confirmed his resignation following requests for comment from The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Stop whining about Richard B. Spencer, Nazi, and exercise your rights as decent Americans,” Hirsh wrote in a public Facebook post. “Here are his two addresses.”

The Daily Caller News Foundation redacted the home addresses.

Michael Hirsh publishes the addresses of alt-right figure Richard Spencer, who runs the National Policy Institute. (Screengrab/Facebook).

“These posts were clearly outside the bounds of acceptable discourse, and POLITICO editors regard them as a serious lapse of newsroom standards,” Politico Editor-In-Chief John Harris and Editor Carrie Budoff Brown told TheDCNF. “They crossed a line in ways that the publication will not defend, and editors are taking steps to ensure that such a lapse does not occur again.”

While Hirsh’s initial post could have been charitably interpreted to imply advocacy of a non-violent protest outside of Spencer’s home or other similar non-violent actions, a subsequent question and answer clarified Hirsh’s intentions.

“Completely agree we should mobilize against his hateful ideas, but what does knowing his home addresses do?” one Facebook user asked Hirsh. “Send a letter? Confront him in person? Seems like counter-speech is the main thing we can do. You can call it ‘whining’ but I’m not sure that’s fair or constructive. Side note: Apparently the GSA-owned Ronald Reagan International Trade Center in DC felt obligated to host his organization’s event because it can’t discriminate against speech under the First Amendment, so there’s that problem, too.”

Hirsh responded in an unhinged manner: “I wasn’t thinking of a fucking letter, Doug. He lives part of the time next door to me in Arlington. Our grandfathers brought baseball bats to Bund meetings. Want to join me?”

Perhaps knowing it wasn’t such a good idea to advocate openly for serious violence against Spencer in a public format, Hirsh deleted the post, but not before TheDCNF grabbed a screenshot.

A now-deleted Facebook post by Michael Hirsh urging violence against Richard Spencer. (Screengrab/Facebook).

Hirsh’s mention of Bund meetings is a reference to the German-American Bund, a Nazi organization in the United States active in the mid-to-late 1930s, which promoted National Socialist ideology and was often subject to violent attacks by Jewish mobsters in New York City and Newark, New Jersey, using baseball bats.

Hirsh’s post comes just days after Spencer’s alt-right organization, the National Policy Institute, held a conference at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C., to celebrate GOP President-elect Donald Trump’s electoral victory as a “step towards identity politics” and remind the audience that “The alt-right is here, the alt-right is not going anywhere, the alt-right is going to change the world.”

The NPI conference has attracted considerable controversy after numerous conference-goers threw up the Nazi salute following a rousing speech. Spencer also referred to the press using the German word “Lügenpresse,” which translates to “lying press.” The National Socialist German Workers’ Party often employed the term to attack critics in the press.

NPI Conference Bespeaks Enthusiasm For Trump & Alternative Right

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 22 November 2016 17:53.


NPI Conference Washington D.C. 19 November 2016.

Part 2

Speakers taking questions from the press included alt-right supporters (left to right) Peter Brimelow, Kevin MacDonald, Jason Jorjani, and Jared Taylor.

Protesters gather along 14th Street outside of the Reagan Building before the start of the press conference.

Millennial Woes interviews Matt Tate, Richard Spencer and Nathan Damico about protestors:

Pre-NPI conference protested by anti-fa



...outside Trump International Hotel afterward.


Italy: Hotels being confiscated in order to host African asylum seekers

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 17 November 2016 05:14.

Dviersity Macht Frei, “Italy: 80-year-old hotel owner tries to barricade his hotel against asylum invaders”, 17 Nov 2016:

Policemen ask hotel owner Luigi Fogli for the keys as tries to protect his hotel confiscated to host African asylum seekers.

The elderly gentleman in the video is Luigi Fogli, a businessman in his 80s, who runs a hotel (Hotel Lory) in Ficarolo, in the province of Rovigo. Not long ago, he inquired about providing asylum accommodation services from the local government, but chose not to pursue the matter further when he found out that he would only be paid 7 euros per “refugee” per night. At that point, the local prefecture simply confiscated his hotel and forced the invaders upon him.

He tried to block their admission and, in fact, managed to hold it up for a few hours. But, eventually, he succumbed and the invaders arrived. Apparently he fainted at some point during the proceedings.


Things like this are going on all over Italy. The local authorities are confiscating hotels and using them as invader accommodation. In some places, as in the incident described above, the proprietors resist; in other cases they cooperate and defence is left to the local citizens.

Here is a picture from a similar incident in Verona. The hotel Castello had been confiscated (link) but locals were happy and set up barricades.



The mass confiscation of property to host “refugees” has provoked mass protests in Verona and given rise to the “Verona ai Veronesi” [Verona for the Veronese] movement. Here are some videos of their recent protests.



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Thorn commented in entry 'Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism' on Sat, 03 Feb 2024 16:44. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sat, 06 Jan 2024 12:15. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sat, 06 Jan 2024 05:39. (View)

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